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Reshaping Health Services in Nottinghamshire

In November/December 2020 the CCG carried out a piece of engagement work around Reshaping Health Services in Nottinghamshire/Tomorrow’s NUH.  The part of our plan that we were talking to the public about is called Tomorrow’s NUH (TNUH), focused in services provided by Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) NHS Trust. This involves all the health and care organisations in our area working together to create hospital services that meet the needs of local people now and in the future.

What did we speak to people about?

Between 21 November and 15 December 2020, we carried out various engagement opportunities by talking to patients, carers and families who may be affected by proposed changes. The public engagement was supported by Healthwatch and endorsed by our local health and care organisations. We also held a series of events, focus groups and a survey to share our ideas and gather views on:

·         What people think of our plans

·         How they would be impacted, positively and negatively

·         Changes to services we think we need to make, including the relocation of services.

A copy the report from Healthwatch can be found here.

A second phase of public engagement commenced in March 2022.  Find out more here and how you can get involved.

To find out more about this programme please click on the information below.

Reshaping Health Services in Nottinghamshire – Public Engagement Briefing

Reshaping Health Services in Nottinghamshire – Public Engagement Briefing Summary

Presentation Nov 2020

Summary briefing Nov 2020

FAQs Nov 2020

Stakeholder briefing Nov 2020

RHSN engagement session presentation

10761 Engagement Easy Read 1

10761 Easy Read Survey 2
