Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG
Discharge from hospital

What will happen before and after I leave hospital?
When you are better and ready to leave hospital, we always try and get you back home as soon as you are well enough to do so. We will plan this with you and any family, friends or carers you want to be involved. Most people can return home without needing any support.
A few people, however, do need a bit of extra support for a while. Our Discharge Team will make arrangements for any services you need for the first few days. We will arrange to come and visit you at home to find out if you need further support. You will be told when we are coming to visit and this will be arranged within the first day or two after you get home. We know that some people prefer to wait and rest and settle in before we come to see you.
The aim is to get you settled back at home with some short term support and once you are settled, discuss any ongoing needs with you. Doing this assessment with you in your own home, rather than in hospital, means we can get a better picture of you and any future support options.
When you are better and ready to leave hospital, it is not always safe for you to go straight home. You may need to go to another hospital or other accommodation-based service to help you regain your health, independence and confidence before you go back home. Social workers and clinicians can help with this decision making and will always talk to you about this. We will also talk to your family and carers if you would like us to.
You will be told about any financial contributions you need to make towards any care if this is applies for you. Nothing will be arranged without your agreement.
There are a number of things friends and families can do to support you to come out of hospital quicker when they are ready. These include checking your home is set up for your return – or a spare room if you are moving in with family. Other key actions include arranging to pick you up from hospital and, if you are frail or needing support, checking that your fridge is stocked, your heating is on and you are checked on regularly.
Further resources
NHS: Being discharged from hospital
Leaflet: What will happen before and after I leave hospital?
Sherwood Forest Hospitals: Your discharge from hospital
Nottinghamshire County Council: Hospital discharge factsheet