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Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG

Listening to our citizens and patients during the coronavirus pandemic

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The overall ambition of this public insights project was to; 

  1. Understand people’s views of the changes made, even if they are not directly affected 
  1. Understand the tolerance of the population for keeping the changes made 
  1. Understand the impact of changes on the people directly affected 
  1. Understand the impact of keeping changes on the people directly affected 
  1. Understand the impact of changes on groups who are vulnerable and face barriers to accessing services as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. 


In order to present as rounded and robust set of insights as possible, four connected strands of activity were used to gather and analyse the data available.   

Firstly, a programme of quantitative research was conducted by talking to a representative sample of 2,500 citizens from Nottingham and Nottinghamshire both online and over the telephone.   

To supplement this, detailed focus groups and in-depth interviews were conducted to develop qualitative information to better inform the quantitative findings.   

Thirdly, through pre-existing networks both within the CCG and through close working with the Community and Voluntary sector in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, detailed discussions were undertaken to understand the particular barriers and challenges faced by different groups and communities as a result of coronavirus and the associated service changes.  More than 100 groups were contacted during this phase of the work.   

Finally, a desktop review of findings from national research and research and engagement in other areas was undertaken.  A total of 30 sources were reviewed including national social research (e.g. Ipsos Mori); other Integrated Care Systems, Local Authorities and NHS bodies and national and local charities. 

Key Findings

The main findings from across the programme are summarised below; 

  • Many people have put off accessing healthcare during the pandemic, either because of concerns about overwhelming the NHS or through fear of contracting coronavirus. 
  • The majority of our population are satisfied with how we have kept them informed and with the alternative access points that we have used in response to coronavirus. 
  • In particular Local Authorities were identified as performing well in terms of keeping their populations up to date with changes 
  • Some of our population have experienced the reverse and have struggled to access information about coronavirus and local service changes and have faced significant barriers to accessing services. These tend to be our most vulnerable communities and those who face the greatest barriers to accessing healthcare. 
  • Some of the changes we have made in response to coronavirus have exacerbated existing inequalities in service access for our most marginalised and vulnerable communities. 
  • Some of the barriers identified are shared across many communities, and some are very specific to particular communities. 
  • Use of community pharmacy has been a success – satisfaction among our population with pharmacy services has remained high throughout the pandemic. 
  • Remote consultations are broadly supported, although the level of support for increasing their use depends on the care setting and what is being discussed within the appointment. 
  • There is little correlation between age of respondents and level of support for remote consultations.   
  • For some communities there are significant barriers to accessing remote consultations. Some of these are shared across a number of communities and some are very specific. 
  • Patients and their families who experienced the new, integrated discharge pathway when leaving hospital found it caring and efficient and would support its continuation.   

What Happens Next?

This information and detailed analysis has been presented to the ICS Board and the CCG’s Governing Body in September and October. There was a commitment from both meetings to ensure that this important set of data will be incorporated into the future thinking for the provision of health and care services, both in terms of the response to coronavirus and more broadly.   

The detailed reports can be read here:

Desktop research report
Final research report
Targeted engagement findings report
Recovery and engagement integrated insights report
