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Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG

Vaccination programme for housebound residents.

Home » Coronavirus (COVID-19) » COVID-19 Vaccinations » How to get your vaccination » Vaccination programme for housebound residents

Housebound residents will receive a Covid-19 vaccine within their own home or place of residence. A special ‘roving team’ of vaccinators is delivering the service to housebound residents.

The ‘roving team’ is made up of healthcare staff, GPs and nurses. The team will be fully equipped and will carry out vaccinations in the quickest and safest way possible.

A resident is deemed to be housebound when they are unable to leave their home environment through physical and/or psychological illness. Those who are housebound will have been identified by their registered GP.

Housebound residents who received their first and second dose via the roving service will receive their booster and spring booster jab either from a GP doing their home visit or the roving team. This will vary depending on the practice and residents should wait to be contacted.

If a resident needs to arrange a housebound visit for the first time or is concerned they have been missed off the list please contact your GP.
