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Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG

Freedom of information

Home » Contact us » Freedom of information

As a public authority we have a duty to be transparent and open. In line with information legislation we maintain a publication scheme, providing access to classes of information as identified by the information Commissioner.

Publication Scheme

If you cannot find the information you want, you are entitled to make a request for information. Depending on the type of information you are requesting different processes and legislation applies.

Requests for access to, or for further information about, personal data processed by the CCG should be directed to the Information Governance team by following this link

Making a request

You must contact us by letter or email:
Email to:

Letter to:
FOI Team
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG
Sir John Robinson House
Sir John Robinson Way

What happens when my request is received?

Your request will be acknowledged and we will source the information you have requested from the relevant team. Within 20 working days we will contact you to;

  • Request clarification that will help us to answer your request
  • Provide a response to your FoI request
  • Tell you we don’t hold the information and, if we can, advise you who does
  • Tell you that your request will exceed the cost limit specified in the ICO Fees Regulations and invite to submit a further, narrower request
  • Advise that we hold the information but are not releasing it, citing the relevant exemption from the FoI Act 2000
  • Advise that we are refusing your request on the basis that it repeated or vexatious
  • Tell you that we need more time to coordinate a response or to consider the public interest test in relation to your request. We will then specify a new deadline date.

What happens if I am unhappy with the response I receive or the way that my request was handled?

You can email the FoI Team and ask for clarification in relation to the response that you have received.

If you are unhappy with the way in which your request has been handled you can request an internal view by contacting Lucy Branson, Corporate Director:

Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG
Sir John Robinson House
Sir John Robinson Way

If you remain dissatisfied with the outcome of the internal review, you can apply to the Information Commissioner’s Office, who will consider whether the organisation has complied with its obligations under the Act, and can require the organisation to remedy any problems.

You can find out more about how to do this, and about the Act in general, on the Information Commissioner’s Office website at:

Complaints to the Information Commissioner’s Office should be sent to:
FOI/EIR Complaints Resolution
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
